Oil for agricultural machinery miner. RINNOL SELENIUM AGRI T422 (e200L)
Article number 100421
RINNOL SELENIUM AGRI T422 10W30 multi-purpose transmission oil (UTTO) for automatic and mechanical transmissions, hydraulic, axial, wet braking systems, on-board gearboxes and power take-off mechanisms of tractors and other agricultural machines. High-quality base oils and modern antifriction additives provide high performance characteristics of power transmissions of moving mechanisms.
Manufacturer's tolerances JD J-20C • CASE MS-1209, MS-1206, MS-1207, MS-1210 • FNHA-2-C-200, FNHA-2-C-201 • FORD ESN-M2C86-B, ESN-M2C86-C, ESN-M2C-134 A,B,C,D • VCE WB101 • CASE NEW HOLLAND MAT 3525,3526 • CATERPILLAR TO-2 • Massey Ferguson M-1135, M-1141, M-1143, M-1145 • ALLISON C-4 • ZF TE-ML 03E, TE-ML 03F, TE-ML 05F, TE-ML 06K
Viscosity 10W-30
Viscosity index 140
Oil composition Mineral
API Specification GL-4
Volume 200
Pour point -30